6 Powerful Mantra's To Get Great Results ... Like FS46

Having trained 100’s of people toward their Health & Fitness goals...

You begin to spot the patterns of what makes a successful transformation!

I wanted to share with you 6 mindset hacks, principles and mantras that encapsulate our approach to training at FS46.

Long term consistency beats short term intensity every time 

The best results are results that last forever.

The reason we promote a long sighted approach to Fitness is that, deep down, everybody wants to stay in shape for as long as possible. 

That seldom happens when someone adopts a ‘quick fix’ or a ‘fad diet’.

I see it like taking on a ‘dodgy deal’ to get rich quickly…

Only to be poor again later. 

Who would want to do that!

The goal is to enjoy all the benefits that come from good health and well-being, forever.

When faced with a decision about your heath and wellness, remember that long term consistency will always lead to the best results..

Compliance is the Science

I often get people ask me questions about a health & fitness product / strategy they’ve seen on social media. 

For example, a diet like, intermittent fasting


A training method like, HIIT 

These topics are usually backed with various scientific reasonings

(… and also usually a product or programme to buy)

The science often leads people to confusion. 

But one mantra I often find myself repeating is that:


It doesn’t matter how scientifically beneficial a certain method of training or nutrition is. 

If the person doing it, isn’t able to be consistent and compliant, then they aren’t going to see the benefits of that method.

Again… chose an approach that you can be most consistent with.

Train Hard… Recover Harder

The goal of every workout is to be in a position to train hard. 

If you’ve had no sleep, no food, you’re dehydrated, stressed out…

it doesn’t add up to a productive workout. 

I believe that we should do everything we can to set us up to train with intensity.

Therefore we need to have a continuous focus on recovery. 

  • Ensuring that we get enough high quality sleep

  • Our nutrition is supporting our training and lifestyle demands

  • We are Hydrated

  • Managing and minimising our exposure to stress.

Sometimes life can get in the way of a good workout and that can’t always be helped. 

But we need to be as consistent as we can with recovery, to give ourselves the chance for maximum returns from our training. 

Think of recovery and training like a sandwich. 

Not only do we need to be well recovered before a workout to train hard … recovering well after a workout leads to better adaptations. 

It’s common for people to think that it’s the workout itself that creates the adaptation. 


The workout is just the stimulus / signal to create an adaption. 

The actual changes happen in recovery post-workout. 

That’s why… we have a massive emphasis on recovery at FS46.

The Goal is to Stress not Distress

The goal of any workout is to create a stress, not to distress the body. 

Thinking of your workout as a signal to the body to create an adaptation is a great way to frame it. 

Uncle Rich aka the Guru, once shared a simple illustration with me that will help explain what I mean: 

Think of creating a training signal like flicking a light switch on. 

Once the signal is created, it’s done. 

You wouldn’t then go over and push the light switch as hard as you physically can thinking that you’ll make the light shine brighter.

It’s the same with a workout, we’re aiming to train hard enough to create a stimulus, but we don’t then need to train ourselves into the ground thinking that it’ll create more adaptation. 

Remember to Stimulate not annihilate.

Again, linking back to our first mantra, we want to live to train another day. 

It's the long term consistency of training that equates over time to a big result. 

"I Can’t” vs “How Can I”

This is the most effective vocabulary change we can make as human beings. 

When we talk in definitives we put up our own barriers and limiting beliefs. 

I can’t get in shape. 

I can’t find the time to train. 

I can’t stick to a diet 

Whereas if we change the phrasing to “how can I?”

We open our mind to the possible solution. 

How can I Get In Shape?

How can I find time to train?

How can I stick to a diet? 

The battle of getting results is more easily won we can identify strategies that allow us to succeed in the first place. 

You’re only ever 1 meal, 1 workout, 1 decision from being back on track

At times, we may lose our way when it comes to our health and fitness goals. 

But remembering that you are only ever 1 meal, 1 workout or 1 decision from being back on track is a great comfort!

They say that the hardest step of a 1000 mile journey is the first one. 

So if we can just execute 1 positive action for our health and fitness, then we can keep that momentum going. 

This is very closely linked to motivation. 

I often have people say to me that they just can’t get motivated. 

But action doesn’t always follow motivation. 

Motivation is often followed by action! 

Doing something positive for your health and fitness and feeling better for doing that… will make you want to do it again and again and again!

You’ll be back on track!

The Message

If you embody these mantras and apply them to your training, nutrition and lifestyle management. 

Then you can achieve high quality, lasting results just like our clients at Fitness Studio 46.

Yours in coaching,


Harry Morris